Frequently Asked Questions

What does Slarmoo's Box add?

Slarmoo's Box is a mod of Ultrabox, and has all of the same features that Ultrabox has.

However, there are some cool additions to be aware of in Slarmoo's Box:

Is Slarmoo's Box compatible with Ultrabox? Yes, Slarmoo's Box will promperly import all songs from Ultrabox. Both changing the domain of the link and importing an Ultrabox json will work
How do I add custom samples? Since Slarmoo's Box doesn't have a web server of its own, you'll have to first upload your sample to a CORS-friendly website. Next, you have to copy the URL of the sound itself. The URL should end with the filetype, such as .wav or .mp3.

To import it into Slarmoo's Box, open the Edit tab, scroll to the bottom, and click on "Add Custom Samples..." or press "shift + Q"

Paste your url and press "Okay." If everything goes smoothly, Slarmoo's Box will reload and your sample will be available in the preset list.
What happened to the Envelopes? Slarmoo's Box 1.2 added individual envelope speeds. This caused a lot of envelope types to be redundant, and as such they were removed. Below is a table showing the conversion if you need it
Old Name New Name + Speed
none none NA
note size note size NA
pitch pitch NA
punch punch NA
flare -1 flare 128
flare 1 flare 32
flare 2 flare 8
flare 3 flare 2
twang -1 twang 128
twang 1 twang 32
twang 2 twang 8
twang 3 twang 2
swell -1 swell 128
swell 1 swell 32
swell 2 swell 8
swell 3 swell 2
tremolo0 sine LFO 8
tremolo1 sine LFO 4
tremolo2 sine LFO 2
tremolo3 sine LFO 1
tremolo4 sine LFO* 4
tremolo5 sine LFO* 2
tremolo6 sine LFO* 1
decay -1 decay 40
decay 1 decay 10
decay 2 decay 7
decay 3 decay 4
wibble -1 wibble 96
wibble 1 wibble 24
wibble 2 wibble 12
wibble 3 wibble 4
linear -2 linear 256
linear -1 linear 128
linear 1 linear 32
linear 2 linear 8
linear 3 linear 2
rise -2 rise 256
rise -1 rise 128
rise 1 rise 32
rise 2 rise 8
rise 3 rise 2
flute 1 wibble 16
flute 2 wibble 8
flute 3 wibble 4
tripolo1 sine LFO 9
tripolo2 sine LFO 6
tripolo3 sine LFO 3
tripolo4 sine LFO* 9
tripolo5 sine LFO* 6
tripolo6 sine LFO* 3
pentolo1 sine LFO 10
pentolo2 sine LFO 5
pentolo3 sine LFO 2.5
pentolo4 sine LFO* 10
pentolo5 sine LFO* 5
pentolo6 sine LFO* 2.5
flutter 1 sine LFO 14
flutter 2 sine LFO* 11
water-y flutter sine LFO 9
blip 1 blip 6
blip 2 blip 16
blip 3 blip 32
fall 1 fall 8
fall 2 fall 4
fall 3 fall 2

* lower bound should be set to 0.5 for these envelopes

What can I do with Pitch Envelopes? Slarmoo's Box's unique pitch envelopes has a variety of unique uses. You can:
Does Slarmoo's Box have an offline version? Yes. You can access it here here.
You can either download an OS-specific version that has custom sampling support, or the generic HTML version that lacks custom sampling support.
Does Slarmoo's Box claim ownership over songs created with it? Slarmoo's Box does not claim ownership over songs created with it, so original songs belong to their authors.

Neither Slarmoo's Box nor its creators assume responsibility for any copyrighted material played on Slarmoo's Box. No songs are ever received, recorded, or distributed by Slarmoo's Box's servers. All song data is contained in the URL after the hash (#) mark, and Slarmoo's Box running inside your browser converts that data into sound waves.
When will x feature be added? Features can be requested at the links below, but after that it's up to Slarmoo to work on features if/when they can.
Please be patient; Slarmoo works on Slarmoo's Box in their free time. I can't guarantee that anything will be out in a timely manner, or at all.
Where can I contact the developers? You can contact the developers via the BeepBox Discord.
You can also contact us on the issues page if you have ideas/suggestions or have encountered any bugs.